Jenn Heflin

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Woman 2020: Alice

WOMAN2020: Alice

What is your first name, occupation, and role (or roles) you most identify with? 
Alice, Cloud Security Compliance, Strong Confident Native Woman

What is the most positive thing about being a woman in 2020?
We’ve seen huge growth and success in the gender gap from pay equality and career advancement in the tech workplace

What is the hardest thing about being a woman in 2020?
Race, gender and stereotypes impact our perception about a persons competence and ability. It’s hard to constantly prove yourself and have people questioning your authority. As a woman you’re often expected to be a bit of a caretaker, so women who are honest and forthright are often seen as being disagreeable. There’s an unconscious bias and a real rigidity when it comes to gender roles and how people are expected to behave. Despite these obstacles I have managed to persevere in my career and work for a company that fosters an environment where woman can be successful.

When did you first notice that society treated men and women (or boys and girls) differently?

Very early on, receiving gifts like dolls while my older brother would be gifted a basketball. Wearing dresses and being told not to run around, while my brother was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

How do you maintain your resiliency in these times? 
As a single mother of two boys, I have no choice. It's up to me to provide a good life for these children I have brought into this world, I've had to develop resilience while facing challenges.

Why do you think past movements haven't moved the needle for women?
Some, we are still not equal.

Do you think the current movement will be the one to change things for future generations?
No, I can only hope. Women are better off today but still far from being equal. Statistics show that both men and women are equally intelligent but men still dominate the workforce in technology.

What needs to happen for us to move forward?
The attitude towards women in our society needs to shift.

What can women do to make it better for other women? 
As women, we can empower each other, elevate one another, mentor one another, ensure our voices are heard, so we can be supported, recognized and promoted.

What can men do to make it better for women? 
Promote woman, companies with women board members out perform other companies by 53%.

Were there any influences (people, art, books, songs, movies) you found growing up that inspired or drove you?
My culture was and still inspires me, I lived on an Indian reservation where I saw alcoholism, corruption or high school-dropout rates. Although we didn't have a lot of money my father and stepmother always figured out a way to provide for us and give us everything we needed and more. My mother was a strong willed woman. They inspired me.

What am I missing? Please ask and answer a questions you think that’s missing.
This may sound cliche, but I feel very blessed in my life to be successful, have an amazing happy and healthy family. I am by no means perfect, I am 50 and still learning and growing everyday. I know I am better off than many other people in this world and for that I am thankful.